
The department is housed in the Gottwald Center for the Sciences. The facility is shared with the biology and physics departments. There are over 50 teaching and research labs in the facility as well as a computer lab, and an abundance of modern instrumentation. Instrumentation used by undergraduates include FT-NMRs, FT-IRs, GC-MSs, UV-VISs including Diode Array, AAs, HPLCs, spectrofluorometers, a CD/ORD spectrophotometer, GCs, electrochemical equipment, ultracentrifuges, inert atmosphere chambers and a typical assortment of pH meters, spectrometers and balances. The various research labs contain an assortment of lasers, vacuum systems, inert atmosphere boxes, cryogenic equipment and computer and analytical instrumentation.

The chemistry department realizes the importance of maintaining state-of-the-art equipment. Below is a partial list of major pieces of equipment in the chemistry department. All of the equipment is available for student use. Students learn to use the instruments in laboratory classes and are then free to use them in their research projects.

NMR Spectrometers

Bruker 300 Mhz, with NMR Case Autosampler
Bruker 400 MHz, with BACS-60 Autosampler
Bruker 500 MHz
EM/Anasazi 390 FT 90 MHz NMR

Mass Spectrometers

5 Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometers
Advion CMS expression compact Mass Spectrometer with ASAP probe and TLC plate Express


21 Thermo Spectronic 20 Vis Spectrophotometers
10 Jasco UV/Vis Spectrophotometers
10 Agilent Cary 60 UV/Vis Spectrophotometers
Varian Cary 50 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Agilent Diode Array UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
Jasco Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer
Fluorolog III Spectrophotometer
2 Jasco Fluorometers
Varian Cary Fluorometer
PicoQuant Lifetime Scanning Fluorometer
5 Nicolet/Thermo Infrared Spectrometers
Varian duo (graphite furnace and flame) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers


Varian 3700 Gas Chromatograph/TCD
Waters HPLC
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC
Agilent 1200 HPLC
Shimadzu Prep-Scale HPLC with PDA detection
5 Radial Chromatrons
Biotage Flash Chromatography System


2 Johnson Matthey Magnetic Susceptibility Balance
Mettler Toledo DL-50 Autotitrator
2 Mettler Toledo T-50 Autotitrator
Pine bi-potentionstat
2 Metrhohm potentiostats with HDME
Biotage Initiator Microwave Reactor
Wyatt Technologies Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument

Dry Boxes

2 Vacuum Atmospheres Drilab Glove Boxes 


The University of Richmond supports a centralized high performance computer cluster with hundreds of CPU cores and dozens of GPU.  More information can be found here.

In addition, the chemistry department has a number of computationally equipped teaching and research laboratories.