Certified Degrees

ACS Certified Degree in Chemistry

Certifications by the department, based on American Chemical Society specifications, require:

For Chemistry Majors

The Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry with the addition of CHEM326. Note that CHEM326 is in addition to, not in place of, the upper-level elective required for the Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry. In addition, a written research report must be submitted to the chemistry department and approved by at least two chemistry faculty members or their designees.

For Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Majors

The completion of the Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and CHEM317, as well as either CHEM300/CHEM301 or CHEM302 also meets the certification requirements. Note that CHEM317, as well as either CHEM300/CHEM301 or CHEM302 are in place of, not in addition to, the upper-level elective required for the Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry and molecular biology. In addition, a written research report must be submitted to the chemistry department and approved by at least two chemistry faculty members or their designees.