Past Award Recipients

The Department of Chemistry recognizes outstanding chemistry students at an awards ceremony held annually in April. The department maintains a record of award winners going back to 2002.

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  • 2024


    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check.

    Kingsley Dwomoh


    Vicky Osenga (Evans award nominee\)


    ACS Award (only 1)

    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS.  Will be presented upon attendance at local ACS meeting at UVA by recipient and a faculty member; if attendance can’t happen, local ACS will mail the certificate. (wait for email from local ACS to submit nomination)

    Greg Hughes


    AIC Award (up to 1)

    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry. (they email early and often for nominations)

    Abby Dalton


    Service Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to up to two (as voted on in dept mtg 11/18/21) Chemistry majors who have made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University

    Abby Dalton

    Evelyn Ramirez


    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1) submitted by Wade 2/23/24

    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate. (Go to ACS DOC website to fill out form to get the student this award.  Deadline is early (3/15 in 2022)!

    Greg Hughes


    Senior Academic Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to up to two (as voted on in dept mtg 11/18/21) senior Chemistry majors who have excelled in their coursework.

    Karthik Lalwani


    Outstanding Junior Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry (This award is no longer a monetary award because of University rules).

    Mark Strigel

    Marcos Hendler


    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)

    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.  Get $5K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)

    Sophie Goldberg


    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)

    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.

    Get $3K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)

    Mark Strigel


    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)  submitted 4/22/24 by Wade

    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check (email Phil Sheridan  Philip Sheridan  See old email to Phil for nomination form)

    Marcos Hendler


    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)

    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared?) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.  Must be nominated by research mentor.  No student may win this award more than once in a career.  No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research. Please refrain from comments on classroom performance.

    Nehal Asif

    Andrew Watts

    Karthik Lalwani

    Van Divender Award Nomination (only 1)

    Only one Van Divender Scholarship is awarded at UR, selected from one nominee each from math and science majors. The nominee must be a rising junior or senior, a resident of the southeastern U.S., have a 3.2 or better GPA, and preferably be involved in school activities or community service. (Must be confirmed by Department Chair; ask Belinda Hill beforehand for list of eligible chemistry and BMB majors)

    Mark Strigel


    ACS Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1) submitted by Wade 04/22/24

    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as e-mail once a month with analytical highlights.

    Solicitation went straight to Dept Chair in 2024. Email received 4/15/24.

    Vicky Osenga


    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1) submitted by Wade 3/8/24

    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry. (Nominee submission window opens in March.  See "Kim, Judy"

    Ben Dwyer


    Biochemistry Course Award

    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.

    Hannah Lwin

    Lyric Wilson


    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award (only 1) submitted by Wade 2/23/24

    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation / interest / dedication.  Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society. (late deadline to submit nominee) (

    Sophie Goldberg


    The William Myers Chem 317 Award

    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous calendar year.

    John Blobe


    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry (can award up to two).

    Abigail Ali

    Lily Strauss


    The William Trout Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry (can award up to two, as voted on by dept 12/9/21).

    Vienna Tombline

    Marina Lea-Bernstein

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  • 2023

    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    Tyler Chong, Camryn Carter


    Evans Nominee: Camryn Carter


    ACS Award (only 1)

    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    Ben Solomon


    AIC Award (up to 1)

    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Saba Redzic


    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)

    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.  Must be nominated by research mentor.  No student may win this award more than once in a career.  No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research.

    Travis Greene

    Vicky Osenga

    Nam Pham


    Service Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to up to two Chemistry majors who have made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University

    Thomas Campbell


    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)

    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry

    Tyler Chong


    Senior Academic Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to up to two senior Chemistry majors who have excelled in their coursework.

    Olivia Lambertson

    Sam Gilmore


    J. Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry

    Greg Hughes, Kingsley Dwomoh


    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)

    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award.

    Evelyn Ramirez


    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)

    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.  

    Sebastian Mendoza-Gomez


    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)

    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.

    Kingsley Dwomoh

    Van Divender Award Nomination (only 1)

    Only one Van Divender Scholarship is awarded at UR, selected from one nominee each from math and science majors. The nominee must be a rising junior or senior, a resident of the southeastern U.S., have a 3.2 or better GPA, and preferably be involved in school activities or community service.

    Vicky Osenga nominated by Chemistry


    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)

    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Karthik Lalwani


    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)

    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Tyler Chong


    Biochemistry Course Award

    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.

    Jackie Bisso

    Lizzy Taggart


     ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award (only 1)

    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation / interest / dedication.  Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society.

    Sydney Moise


    The William Myers Chem 317 Award

    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous calendar year.

    Kingsley Dwomoh

    Vicky Osenga


    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.

    Kingsley Dwomoh

    Sophie Goldberg


    The William Trout Award (up to 2)

    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.

    Charlotte Rose

    Kaelen Chandler

  • 2022

    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check.
    Julia Vidlak

    ACS Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS. Will be presented upon attendance at local ACS meeting at UVA by recipient and faculty member; if attendance can’t happen, local ACS will mail the certificate. (wait for email from local ACS to submit nomination/contact Vanessa Lopez, Lachelle Waller, or Cynthia Knight)
    Michael Rodriguez

    AIC Award (up to 1)
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry. (they email early and often for nominations)
    Mason Ortiz

    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)
    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor. No student may win this award more than once in a career. No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research.
    Charli Chen
    Sebastian Mendoza-Gomez
    Sam Gilmore

    Service Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to up to two (as voted on in department meeting 11/18/21. Chemistry majors who have made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University.
    Makayla Callender

    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate. (Go to ACS DOC website to fill out form to get the student this award. Deadline is early (3/15 in 2022)! NOTE: ACS now accepts a SECOND nomination if the second candidate fulfills diversity definition, as explained here:
    Michael Rodriguez

    Senior Academic Award
    Awarded to up to two (as voted on in department meeting 11/18/21) senior Chemistry majors who have excelled in their coursework.
    Bianca Bicalho

    J. Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry. Get a $2500 check.
    Camryn Carter
    Tyler Chong

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check (email Phil Sheridan, Phillip Sheridan See old email to Phil for nomination form)
    Thomas Campbell

    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments. Get $5K toward tuition/board. (Must be confirmed by Department Chair; get list from financial aid, Belinda Hill, of students who would benefit from Denoon and Cole)
    Sam Gilmore

    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need. Get $3K toward tuition/board. (Must be confirmed by Department Chair).
    Kingsley Dwomoh

    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as email once a month with analytical highlights.
    Felix Minami

    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry. (Nominee submission window opens in March, they send an email to let us know. See "Kim Judy"
    Bianco Bicalho

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.
    Harry Dang
    Narmeen Rashid

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation / interest / dedication. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society (late deadline to submit nominee) (
    Mason Ortiz

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous calendar year.
    Camryn Carter

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry. (can award up to two).
    Camryn Carter
    Chris Rawson

    The William Trout Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry (can award up to two, as voted on by Department 12/9/21).
    Sophie Goldberg

  • 2021

    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check. Students who win this award may not win a research achievement award during the same year.
    RJ Conk
    Claire Fuller

    ACS Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS.
    Scott Isaacson

    AIC Award (up to 1)
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.
    Graysen Boroughs

    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)
    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor.
    Makayla Callender

    Service Award
    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University.
    Emily Kuhlmann

    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry.
    Claire Fuller

    Senior Academic Award
    Awarded to senior Chemistry major who has excelled in their coursework.
    Will Carrick
    Grace Ann Robertson

    Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry. Get a $2500 check. Students who win this award may not receive a research achievement award during the same year.
    Julia Vidlak

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check.
    Michael Rodriguez

    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments. Get $5K toward tuition/board.
    Jack Reckner

    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need. Get $3K toward tuition/board.
    Mason Ortiz

    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.
    Will Carrick

    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry. “The nominee will have demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry and related fields based on research, coursework, and/or dedication as defined by the nominating institution. The student should be committed to a career in chemistry.
    Emily Kuhlmann

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.
    Juliette Copeland
    Ryan Shah

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation / interest / dedication. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society
    RJ Conk

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous calendar year.
    Ramsey Goodner

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award (no more than 2)
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.
    Narmeen Rashid

    The William Trout Award (no more than 2)
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.
    Katherine Nguyen

  • 2020

    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check
    Justin Airas and Adrian Matthews

    ACS Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS. Will be presented upon attendance at local ACS meeting at UVA by recipient and a faculty member; if attendance can’t happen, local ACS will mail the certificate.
    Dani Sklar

    AIC Award (up to 1)
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.
    Isaiah Duplessis

    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)
    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared?) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor. No student may win this award more than once in a career. No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research
    Grant Dixon, Carlos Perez Mandry, and Sophie Weinberg

    Service Award (vote on only 1 recipient, only if no other awards won?)
    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University
    Katie Pokorny

    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate. (Go to ACS DOC website to fill out form to get the student this award. Deadline is early!)
    Adrian Matthews

    Senior Academic Award (vote on only 1 recipient, only if no other awards won?)
    Awarded to senior Chemistry major who has excelled in their coursework.
    Cassidy Hilton

    J. Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry. Get a $2500 check.
    Claire Fuller and Emily Kuhlmann

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check.
    Julia Vidlak

    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments. Get $5K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    RJ Conk

    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.
    Get $3K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    Will Carrick

    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as e-mail once a month with analytical highlights.
    RJ Conk

    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry. (Online Award nomination portal usually opens in March)
    Hunter Evans

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.
    Jared Thomas

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has excelled in inorganic chemistry. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society.
    Hilary Djomnang Fokwa

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous spring.
    RJ Conk and Scott Isaacson

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.
    Ryan Shah and Julia Vidlak

    The William Trout Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.
    Narmeen Rashid

  • 2019

    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check
    Elizabeth Heafner and Sean Clair

    ACS Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS.
    Kristen Elofson

    AIC Award (up to 2)
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.
    John Cavaliere and Canvas Brieva

    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)
    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared?) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor. No student may win this award more than once in a career. No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research.
    Kelley Lee, Matt Mahoney, Joseph McEachon and Justin Airas

    Service Award
    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University
    Supreeth Prasad

    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate.
    Elizabeth Heafner

    Senior Academic Award
    Awarded to senior Chemistry major who has excelled in their coursework.
    Allison Sinicki

    J. Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry. Get a $2500 check.
    Adrian Matthews

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check
    Dani Sklar

    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments. Get $5K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    Cassidy Hilton

    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.
    Get $3K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    Hunter Evans

    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as e-mail once a month with analytical highlights.
    Sean Clair

    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.
    Allison Sinicki

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.
    Jack Scheutow

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has excelled in inorganic chemistry. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society.
    Adrian Matthews

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous spring.
    Brian Sun and Melissa Gu

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.
    Lindsay Paul

    The William Trout Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.
    Julia Vidlak

  • 2018
    Garnett Ryland Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry. Receive $2000 check
    Grace Conway and Ziad Shafi

    ACS Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS.
    Arjun Jaini

    AIC Award (up to 2)
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.
    Michael Pannell and Sicheng Jiang

    Research Achievement Award – (up to 4 total across all classes)
    Awarded to a Chemistry (or undeclared?) major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor. No student may win this award more than once in a career. No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research.
    Adrian Matthews, Annie Lane, Supreeth Prasad

    Service Award
    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University
    Maddie Newkirk

    ACS Senior Organic Award (only 1)
    Awardedby the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate.
    Evan Crawford

    Senior Academic Award
    Awarded to senior Chemistry major who has excelled in their coursework.
    Connor Geraghty and Michael Cevallos

    J. Stanton Pierce Award (up to 2)
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry. Get a $2500 check.
    Lillian Hughes and Elizabeth Heafner

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award. Get a $1000 check
    John Cavaliere

    The Clarence Denoon Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments. Get $5K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    Kristin Elofson

    Cole Memorial Scholarship (only 1)
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.
    Get $3K toward tuition/board (Must be confirmed by Department Chair)
    Supreeth Prasad

    Analytical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded by the AnalyticalDivision of the American Chemical Societyto a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as e-mail once a month with analytical highlights.
    Grace Conway

    ACS Physical Chemistry Award (only 1)
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.
    Tuan Le

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.
    Najwa Labban

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior with career plans in chemistry who has excelled in inorganic chemistry. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society.
    John Cavaliere

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous spring.
    Lillian Hughes

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.
    Brian Sun

    The William Trout Award
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.
    Grace Ann Robertson and Claire Fuller
  • 2017

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Cooper Taylor and Parker Maloney
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Thais Scott
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior Chemistry major deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a student heading to graduate school in chemistry. Get a year membership to ACS.

    AIC Award
    Chris Poff
    Awarded by the American Institute of Chemists to a senior Chemistry major who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Research Achievement Award
    Lauren McRae, Evan Crawford, Arjun Jaini
    Awarded to a Chemistry or undeclared major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research. Must be nominated by research mentor. No student may win this award more than once in a career. No student may win this award without having previously performed summer research.

    Service Award
    Cooper Taylor
    Awarded to a Chemistry major who has made outstanding contributions to the Chemistry program and/or the University

    ACS Senior Organic Award
    Alex Shimozono
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior Chemistry or BMB major who displays a significant interest in and aptitude for Organic Chemistry; get a certificate.

    Senior Academic Award
    Sam Gillespie and Adam Luxon
    Awarded to senior Chemistry major who has excelled in their coursework.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Patrick Tomhon and Grace Conway
    Awarded to a junior Chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship Award
    Maddie Newkirk
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior (or sophomore) Chemistry major planning a career as a scientist. Must attend the VAS meeting to accept the award.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Ziad Shafi
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.

    Cole Memorial Scholarship
    Connor Geraghty
    Awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Adam Luxon
    Awarded by the Analytical Division of the American Chemical Society to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry. Get a certificate and personalized item, as well as e-mail once a month with analytical highlights.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Sam Gillespie and Cooper Taylor
    Awarded to a chemistry or BMB major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Biochemistry Course Award
    Anna Gonye
    Awarded to the student (of any major) with the best performance in Chem 326 during the previous fall or spring.

    ACS Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Grace Conway
    Awarded to an outstanding junior or senior who has excelled in inorganic chemistry. Awarded by the Inorganic Division of the American Chemical Society.

    The William Myers Chem 317 Award
    David Painter
    Presented to an outstanding student who completed Chem 317 the previous spring.

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Madison Nguyen
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in Organic Chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Brian Sun
    Awarded to the student with the best performance in General Chemistry.

  • 2016

    Senior Awards

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Danielle Confair and Scott Yeudall
    A cash prize awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Boyi Zhang
    A one-year membership in ACS, and recognition at the last meeting of the Virginia section of ACS. Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior deemed outstanding. Generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Tommy Hurst
    A one-year membership in AIC (American Institute of Chemists) awarded to a senior who is likely headed to a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Anarosa Garcia, Ha An Nguyen, Luke DiPasquale and Chris Shepard
    Awarded to a senior chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Senior Academic Award
    Emily Jennings and Layla Samandi
    Awarded to senior who has excelled in their chemistry coursework.

    ACS Award in Organic Chemistry
    Danielle Confair
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior who displays a significant aptitude for organic chemistry.

    Senior Service Award
    Shannon Houck and Boyi Zhang
    Awarded to a senior for service to the department.

    Junior Awards

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Parker Maloney and Thais Scott
    A cash prize awarded to a junior chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the university and the department.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Sam Gillespie
    Money toward tuition awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.

    Cole Memorial Scholarship
    Ziad Shafi
    Money toward tuition awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.

    Junior Academic Award
    Kevan Josloff and Sam Gillespie
    Awarded to junior who has excelled in their chemistry coursework.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Joseph Ortolani
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship
    Grace Conway
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a returning chemistry major planning a career as a scientist.

    Sophomore Awards

    Sophomore Research Achievement Award
    Cooper Taylor and Patrick Tomhon
    Awarded to a sophomore chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Area Awards

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Chris Shepard
    Awarded to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Danielle Confair
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and aptitude for physical chemistry.

    William Myers Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Soleil Shah
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in Chemistry 317.

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Jenci Hawthorne
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry I and II.

    The William Trout Award
    Allison Sinicki
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2015

    Senior Awards

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Jared Ingersoll and Jonathan Patteson
    A cash prize awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Katherine Loundsbury
    A one-year membership in ACS, and recognition at the last meeting of the Virginia section of ACS. Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior deemed outstanding. Generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Sichong Zhou and Ting Li
    A one-year membership in AIC (American Institute of Chemists) awarded to a senior who is likely headed to a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Kelsey Janik, Megan Hoerrner and Will Kretz
    Awarded to a senior chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Senior Academic Award
    Nick Yeutter
    Awarded to senior who has excelled in their chemistry coursework.

    ACS Award in Organic Chemistry
    Jonathan Patteson
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior who displays a significant aptitude for organic chemistry.

    Senior Service Award
    David Stevens
    Awarded to a senior for service to the department.

    Junior Awards

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Scott Yuedall and Boyi Zhang
    A cash prize awarded to a junior chemistry major most likely to reflect credit on the university and the department.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Danielle Confair
    Money toward tuition awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.

    Cole Memorial Scholarship
    Chris Shepard
    Money toward tuition awarded to a science major (any year-except graduating senior) on basis of performance and financial need.

    Junior Academic Award
    Emily Jennings and Layla Samandi
    Awarded to junior who has excelled in their chemistry coursework.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Luke DiPasquale
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship
    Tommy Hurst
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a returning chemistry major planning a career as a scientist.

    Sophomore Awards

    Sophomore Research Achievement Award
    Chris Poff and Tim Maloney
    Awarded to a sophomore chemistry major who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Area Awards

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Luke DiPasquale
    Awarded to a chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Scott Yuedall and Chris Shepard
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and aptitude for physical chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Danielle Confair
    Awarded to a student showing outstanding ability in the field of inorganic chemistry.

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Elizabeth Gonye
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry I and II.

    The William Trout Award
    Tess Munoz and Grace Conway
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2014

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Kristen Murphy and Marina Tawfik
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Jeffrey Schriber
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Jessica Griswold
    Awarded by the American Institue of Chemists to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    ACS Award in Organic Chemistry
    James Maiarana
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior who displays a significant aptitude for organic chemistry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Idil Cazimoglu, Erin Maxwell, Huiling Shao and Jackson Hall
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    Alexis Achey and Nicholas Poulos
    Awarded to a senior who has excelled in chemistry.

    Service Award
    Jackson Hall
    Awarded for service to the chemistry departement and university.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Jared Ingersoll and Jonathan Patteson
    Awarded to a junior who will most likely reflect credit on the University and the Chemistry Department.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Nick Yeutter
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Idil Cazimoglu and Jonathan Patteson
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Boyi Zhang
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Rotimi Omorodion
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in inorganic chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Sichong Zhou, David Stevens and Will Kretz
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship
    Ting Li
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Scott Yeudall and Danielle Confair
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in Organic Chemistry I and II.

    Sophomore Year Research Achievement Award
    Boyi Zhang and Lauren Finch
    Awarded to a second year student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Hema Pingali and Stefan Kourdov
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2013

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Kevin Kindler
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Ana Neferu
    Awarded by the American Chemical Society to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Danielle Taylor
    Awarded by the American Institue of Chemists to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    ACS Award in Organic Chemistry
    Ana Neferu
    Awarded by the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society to a senior who displays a significant aptitude for organic chemistry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Alyssa Shema and Jonathan Fagan
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    David Fanelli
    Awarded to a senior who has excelled in chemistry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Marina Tawfik and Kristen Murphy
    Awarded to a junior who will most likely reflect credit on the University and the Chemistry Department.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Jackson Hall
    Awarded to a rising senior for excellence in the natural sciences, as determined by the faculty of the science departments.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Danielle Taylor
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Chun Li
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Rachael Creamer
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in inorganic chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Erin Maxwell and Jeffrey Schriber
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Edward S. Harlow Scholarship
    Idil Cazimoglu
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough Organic Chemistry Award
    Jason Andresen and Alison Schuppert
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in Organic Chemistry I and II.

    The William Trout Award
    Layla Samandi
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2012

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Diana Iovan
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Justin Cook
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Stephen Wilson
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Kaleigh Hall and John Stewart
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    Brad Falk
    Awarded to a senior who has excelled in chemistry.

    Service Award
    Diana Iovan and Kevin Kindler
    Awarded for service to the chemistry departement and university.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Kevin Kindler and Alex Hahn
    Awarded to a junior who will most likely reflect credit on the University and the Chemistry Department.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Ana Nefaru
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Matt Guarino
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Michael Freeman
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in inorganic chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Alyson Garst
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Award
    Jonathan Fagan
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough/Organic Chemistry Award
    Margaret Moore
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in Organic Chemistry.

    Sophomore Year Research Achievement Award
    Lyniesha Wright
    Awarded to a second year student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Jason Andresen
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2011

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Smaranda Craciun, Sally Fisher, Maria Lindell and Anna Parker
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Xin Jia
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Bryn Allen, John Mancini and Bernard Wittmaack
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    Kara Finzel, Heather Robinson and John Stafford
    Awarded to a senior who has excelled in chemistry.

    Service Award
    Kendra Cunningham
    Awarded for service to the chemistry departement and university.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Justin Cook, Bradley Falk and Diana Iovan
    Awarded to a junior who will most likely reflect credit on the University and the Chemistry Department.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Sally Fisher (chemistry) and Angela Xie (BMB)
    A significant scholarship given to a junior science major. Generally given to a science student headed to a prestigious graduate school. Chosen by the chairs of the science departments.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Bradley Falk
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Diana Iovan
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Diana Iovan
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in inorganic chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Amanda Belcher, Kayleigh Hall, John Stewart and Meredith Trubitt
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Award
    Kevin Kindler
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough/Organic Chemistry Award
    Kevin Kindler
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in Organic Chemistry.

    Sophomore Year Research Achievement Award
    Alex Hahn, Nicki Smith and Danielle Taylor
    Awarded to a second year student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Margaret Moore
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2010

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Morgan Vargo
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Lauren Firich and Diomedes Saldaña-Greco
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    John Pinski, James Eaton and Diomedes Saldaña-Greco
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    Tran Doan
    Awarded to senior who has excelled in Chemistry.

    Service Award
    Tran Doan and Callie Dowdy
    Awarded to a senior for service to the department and the University.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Smaranda Craciun, Xin Jia, Maria Lindell, Anna Parker and Heather Robinson
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Inorganic Chemistry Award
    Smaranda Craciun
    Awarded for outstanding achievement in the field of Inorganic Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Maria Lindell
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Smaranda Craciun
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Sally Fisher, John Mancini and Bernard Wittmaack
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Award
    Sally Fisher
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough/Organic Chemistry Award
    Justin Cook
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.

    Sophomore Research Achievement Award
    Diana Iovan and Stephen Wilson
    Awarded to a sophomore student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Kevin Kindler and Alex Martin
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2009

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Miles Johnson and Bobby Day
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Ben Giglio
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Anne Galyean
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Evan Wang and Brian Mahoney
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Academic Award
    Laura DelGiorno
    Awarded to senior who has excelled in Chemistry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Morgan Vargo and Lauren Firich
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Anne Galyean and Maria Lindell (certificate)
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Evan Wang
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    James Eaton, Greg Springsted and Diomedes Saldana-Greco
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Award
    Kendra Cunningham
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough/Organic Chemistry Award
    Anna Parker and Andrew Massaro
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.

    Sophomore Research Achievement Award
    Sam Craciun, Anna Parker and Heather Robinson
    Awarded to a sophomore student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Diana Iovan
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2008

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Matt Luchansky
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Katey Reighard
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Nicole Gianfrancesco
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Andrew Loftus
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Evan Wang, Miles Johnson and Anne Galyean
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Ben Giglio
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Laura DelGiorno
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Brian Mahoney and J.B. Khanyile
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    VAS Award
    Matt Fanelli
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The Stuart Clough/Organic Chemistry Award
    Jordan Walter
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.

    Sophomore Research Achievement Award
    Diomedes Saldana-Greco and Greg Springsted
    Awarded to a sophomore student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    The William Trout Award
    Smaranda Craciun
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2007
    Garnett Ryland Award
    Sarah Remmert
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Jennifer Carman
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Anastasia Kharlamova
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    Senior Research Achievement Award
    Jonathan Hempel
    Awarded to a senior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Matthew Luchansky
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Andrew Loftus
    A significant scholarship given to a junior science major. Generally given to a science student headed to a prestigious graduate school. Chosen by the chairs of the science departments.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Matthew Luchansky
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Junior Research Achievement Award
    Andrew Loftus
    Awarded to a junior who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Second Year Research Achievement Award
    Evan Wang, Miles Johnson and Anne Galyean
    Awarded to a second-year student who has shown the most impressive achievements in research.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Sherilyn Notte
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    VAS Award
    Lindsay Drennan
    Awarded by the Virginia Academy of Science to a junior planning a career as a scientist.

    The William Trout Award
    Jordan Walter
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

    Stuart Clough Award
    Elizabeth Rieck and Alexander Moore
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.
  • 2006
    Garnett Ryland Award
    Austin Scharf
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Laura Barrosse-Antle
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Lesley Russell
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Sarah Remmert
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    The Clarence Denoon Award
    Sarah Remmert
    A significant scholarship given to a junior science major. Generally given to a science student headed to a prestigious graduate school. Chosen by the chairs of the science departments.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Jonathan Cook
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry Award
    Sarah Remmert
    Awarded to a chemistry or biochemistry major who demonstrates an interest and aptitude in physical chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Alexander Moore
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

    Stuart Clough Award
    Bryan Der and Miles Johnson
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.
  • 2005
    Garnett Ryland Award
    Rebecca Pompano
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Peju Ligali
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Matt Roberts
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Austin Scharf
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Heather Petruzzi
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Matthew Luchansky
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

    Stuart Clough Award
    Sarah Remmert
    Awarded to the best student based on performance in organic chemistry.
  • 2004

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Sean Mulcahy and Krisin Fuchs
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Marissa Solomon
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Tim Caramore
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Rebecca Pompano
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Rebecca Pompano
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Sarah Remmert
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

  • 2003

    Garnett Ryland Award
    Courtney Hoey and Renee Szymanik
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Erika Derro
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Matt Meketa
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Seann Mulcahy and Marissa Solomon
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Kristin Fuchs
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Matthew Williams and Matthew Schaffer
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

    Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry
    Rebecca Pompano and Sidqat Adepeju Ligali
    Awarded to the student who has shown the most impressive achievements in organic chemistry.

  • 2002
    Garnett Ryland Award
    Charles Hickenboth and Douglas Olsen
    Awarded to the best graduate in chemistry.

    ACS Award
    Amber Henry
    Awarded to a graduating senior deemed outstanding; and is generally given to a senior heading to graduate school in chemistry.

    AIC Award
    Edward Jackson and Itta Bluhn-Chertudi
    Awarded to a senior who is likely to go into a career in industry.

    J. Stanton Pierce Award
    Renee Szymanik and Carrie Forstmann
    Awarded to a junior most likely to reflect credit on the University and the Department of Chemistry.

    Analytical Chemistry Award
    Michael Goff
    Awarded to a junior chemistry major who demonstrates an interest in and an aptitude for a career in analytical chemistry.

    The William Trout Award
    Rebecca Pompano
    Awarded to the best first-year chemistry student based on performance in general chemistry.

    Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry
    Marissa Solomon
    Awarded to the student who has shown the most impressive achievements in organic chemistry.