Dr. Jonathan Dattelbaum
My research focuses on the design of fluorescent protein biosensors. Nature has provided a vast array of proteins which bind efficiently to molecules which my research group is interested in detecting. My lab is also interested in chemical ecology projects including the identification and characterization of biologically active compounds from soil microbes.Expand All
Grants and Fellowships
National Science Foundation Award for Improving Undergraduate STEM Education, “Sustainable CURE Implementation: Characterizing the role of flexible designs and instructor supports across diverse institution types.” (Dattelbaum, collaborating with colleagues at 8 schools)
Grants and Fellowships
Journal Articles
* denotes student coauthor
Koeppe JR, Dattelbaum JD, Hall BL, Mills SA, Offerdahl EG, Pikaart MJ, Roberts R, Sikora A, and Craig PA. (2025) Expanding the BASIL CURE. The Biophysicist, DOI: 10.35459/tbp.2024.000273
Chao Q, Corado-Santiago L*, Jones S, Dattelbaum JD, and Skromne I. (2024) Physicochemical and Inflammatory Analysis of Unconjugated and Conjugated Bone-Binding Carbon Dots. ACS Omega, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c07653.
Donaldson T, Iozzino L, Deacon LJ, Billones H*, Ausili A, D’Auria S, and Dattelbaum JD. (2017) Engineering a switch-based biosensor for arginine using a Thermotoga maritima periplasmic binding protein. 525:60-66.
Conway GE*, Lambertson RH*, Schwarzmann MA*, Pannell MJ*, Kerins HW*, Rubenstein KJ*, Dattelbaum JD, and Leopold MC. (2016) Layer-by-layer design and optimization of xerogel-based amperometric first generation biosensors for uric acid. J Electroanalytical Chemistry, 775, 135-145.
Smaldone G, Vigorita M, Ruggiero AL, Balasco N, Dattelbaum JD, D’Auria S, Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, and Vitagliano L. Proline 235 plays a key role in the regulation of the oligomeric states of Thermotoga maritima Arginine Binding Protein. (2016) BBA – Proteins and Proteomics, 1864 (7), 814-824.
Dattelbaum JD, Singh AJ, Field JJ, Miller JH, and Northcote PT. The Nitrogenous Hamigerans: Unusual Amino Acid-Derivatized Aromatic Diterpenoid Metabolites from the New Zealand Marine Sponge Hamigera tarangaensis. (2015) Journal of Organic Chemistry, 80: 304-312.
Deacon LJ*, Billones H*, Galyean AA, Donaldson T, Pennacchio A, Iozzino L, D’Auria S, Dattelbaum JD. (2014) Tryptophan-scanning mutagenesis of the ligand binding pocket in Thermotoga maritima arginine-binding protein. Biochimie, 99: 208-214.
Hillyer M*, Cerel A*, Finch L*, Dattelbaum JD, and M.C. Leopold. (2014) Multi-Technique Quantitative Analysis and Socioeconomic Considerations of Lead, Cadmium, and Arsenic in Children’s Toys and Toy Jewelry, Chemosphere, 108: 205-213.
Ruggiero A, Dattelbaum JD, Staiano M, Berisio R, D’Auria S, and Vitagliano L. (2014) A loose domain swapping organization confers a remarkable stability to the dimeric structure of the Arginine Binding Protein from Thermotoga maritima, PLoS One, 9 (5), e96560, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096560.
Singh AJ, Dattelbaum JD, Field JJ, Smart Z, Woolly EF, Barber JM, Heathcott R, Miller JH, Northcote PT. (2013) Structurally diverse hamigerans from the New Zealand marine sponge Hamigera tarangaensis: NMR-directed isolation, structure elucidation and antifungal activity. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 11: 8041-8051.
Ausili A, Pennacchio A, Staiano M, Dattelbaum JD, Fessas D, Schiraldi A, D’Auria S. Amino acid transport in thermophiles: characterization of an arginine binding protein from Thermotoga maritima. 3. Conformational dynamics and stability. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2013, 118: 66–73.
Ausili A, Staiano M, Dattelbaum JD, Varriale A, Capo A, and D'Auria S. Periplasmic Binding Proteins in Thermophiles: Characterization and Potential Application of an Arginine-Binding Protein from Thermotoga maritima: A Brief Thermo-Story. Life 2013, 3(1):149-160.
Ruggiero A, Dattelbaum JD, Pennacchio A, Iozzino L, Staiano M, Luchansky MS*, Der BS*, Berisio R, D'Auria S, Vitagliano L. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of ligand-free and arginine-bound forms of Thermotoga maritima arginine-binding protein. (2011) Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, Nov 1;67 (Pt 11).
Doan TT*, Vargo ML*, Gerig JK*, Gulka CP*, Trawick ML, Dattelbaum JD, and Leopold ML. (2010) Electrochemical Investigation of Azurin Thermodynamic and Adsorption Properties at Monolayer-Protected Cluster Film Assemblies-Evidence for a More Homogeneous Adsorption Interface. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 352, 50-58.
Scirè A, Marabotti, A, Staiano M, Iozzino L, Luchansky MS*, Der, BS*, Dattelbaum, JD, Tanfani, F, and D’Auria S. (2010) Amino acid transport in thermophiles: characterization of an arginine-binding protein in Thermotoga maritima. 2. Molecular organization and structural stability, Molecular Biosystems, 6, 687-698.
Dattelbaum JD, Sieg D*, Manieri CM*, Thomson G*, and Hill M. (2010) Plasticity of acquired secondary metabolites in Clathria prolifera: Photoprotective role of carotenoids in a temperate intertidal sponge. The Open Marine Biology Journal, 87-95.
Luchansky MS*, Der BS*, D’Auria S, Pocsfalvi G, Iozzino L, Marasco D, and Dattelbaum JD. (2010) Amino acid transport in thermophiles: characterization of an arginine-binding protein in Thermotoga maritima, Molecular BioSystems, 6,132-141.
Vargo ML*, Gulka CP*, Gerig JK*, Manieri CM*, Dattelbaum JD, Marks C, Lawrence NT*, Trawick ML, and Leopold MC. (2010) Distance Dependence of Electron Transfer Kinetics for Azurin
Protein Adsorbed to Monolayer Protected Nanoparticle Film Assemblies. Langmuir, 26, 560-569.Dattelbaum AM, Baker GA, Fox JM*, Iyer S, and Dattelbaum JD. (2009) Pegylation of a maltose biosensor promotes enhanced signal response when immobilized in a polymeric matrix. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 30, 2381-2384.
Der BS* and Dattelbaum JD. (2008) Construction of a Reagentless Glucose Biosensor using Molecular Exciton Luminescence, Analytical Biochemistry, 375, 132–140.
Vercillo NC*, Herald KJ*, Fox JM*, Der BS*, and Dattelbaum JD. (2007) Analysis of Ligand Binding to a Ribose Biosensor using Site-directed Mutagenesis and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Protein Science, 16, 362-368.
Dattelbaum, J.D., Looger, L.L, Benson, D.E., Sali, K.M., Thompson, R.B., and Hellinga, H.W. (2005) Analysis of Allosteric Signal Transduction Mechanisms in an Engineered Fluorescent Maltose Biosensor, Protein Science, 14, 284-291.