Dr. Emma W. Goldman
Currently Dr. Goldman is studying the synthesis and mechanisms of organometallic reactions. Part of the study of organometallic chemistry involves trying to understand how metals catalyze reactions. Her main focus is on investigating how silicon substitution affects the chemistry of transition metal complexes which is important in the catalytic process of hydrosilation. They are preparing and studying the reactivity of transition metal complexes when a silicon is directly bonded to the metal and also complexes with silacyclopentadiene ligands.
R.N. Dominey, R.P.F. Kanters and E.W. Goldman (2007) C-MoR: Computer Modules That Assist in Teaching NMR Theory and Interpretation. ACS Symposium Series, Editor: D. Rovnyak, Co-Editor: R. A. Stockland, Jr., Oxford University Press.
Journal ArticlesS.C. Clough and E.W. Goldman (2005) Thermal Degradation and Identification of Heat Sensitive Polymers: An Application of Pyrolysis/Distillation and Instrumental Methods of Analysis. J. Chem. Educ., 83, 1378.
S. Clough, R. Kanters and E. W. Goldman (2004) Chem 111: A General Education Course in Organic Structure Determination. J. Chem. Educ., 81, 834-836.
Book ChaptersE.W. Goldman and R.N. Dominey (2007) "Teaching NMR Spectroscopy in a General Education Course for Nonmajors" in Modern Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Undergraduate Education, ACS Symposium Series, Editor: D. Rovnyak, Co-Editor: R. A. Stockland, Jr., Oxford University Press, (2007).